Monday, October 28, 2019

Qualification Handbook Essay Example for Free

Qualification Handbook Essay Level 3 and 4 Awards in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) (6302) October 2011 Version 1. 0 Qualification at a glance Subject area City Guilds number Age group approved Entry requirements Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector 6302 19+ There are no formal entry requirements. Learners are required to have evidence of level 3 vocational skills for the area in which they will teach if they are to progress into teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (LLS) This qualification is available at levels 3 and 4. Both levels are to be assessed by a combination of assignments (provided) and observation of teaching/training. Simulation (micro-teaching) is permitted for units 003 and 010. Available (see section 2 Centre requirements) Signature Signature Signature Signature 60 City Guilds Level 3 and 4 Awards in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) (6302) Form 2 Assessment front sheet and feedback record PTLLS Level 3/4 This form is mandatory Theory Assessment No: Learner name: Enrolment number: Date issued: Date submitted: I confirm that the evidence for this unit is authentic and a true representation of my own work. Learner signature: Date: Feedback: Continue on a separate sheet if necessary, see overleaf Tutor/Assessor/Marker and IQA’s signatures (IQA if sampled) must be appear on the following page. City Guilds Level 3 and 4 Awards in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) (6302) 61 Feedback: (Continued from previous page) Marker/Tutor/Assessor name: Resubmission date (if referred): IQA’s name (if sampled) Grade Grade Date Date Date 62

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